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50 Years of FANS

Writer's picture: Ryan WalterRyan Walter

Updated: Oct 26, 2024

50 seasons of NHL Hockey in Washington DC. Ryan returns to help the Caps celebrate and gives you powerful insights into building a Fan process to increase your positivity!



Future-Positive Fans


After immersing yourself in our 6-mindset model (developed in our next book - BREAKOUT) one question you may want to ask is, "What or who influences my thinking?" For example, after spending time with a certain person, how is your mindset influenced?


Do you consistently come away from that conversation in Past-Negative? After meeting with another person do you feel more anxious? When you are asked into your boss’s office does he or she make you feel fear?


Particular people and situations often usher us into less than optimal mindsets. With this in mind, lets reintroduce a common thread of ours. Will you choose to be more intentional or more "reactional"? Is it your current practice to sit back and allow others to influence your mindset? Or, is initiating connection with people who move you towards Past and Future-Positive a skill that you are implementing?


We like to call the latter people Fans. Fans can be trusted friends, colleagues, family, and even characters in books. Fans focus you on your Future-Positive power more than your Past-Negative mistakes. Fans increase your energy and activate your next-best-move.


Spend a couple of minutes writing down the names of the people in your life who have become your Fans.








In your journal, start collecting questions under this list that you can draw from as you intentionally influence your thinking through increased Fan connection. In her book The Life Brief, Brand Strategist Bonnie Wan has developed some questions that might help you get started:


·       What qualities or traits make me, me? 

·       What (situations, people, or things) energizes me? 

·       What (situations, people, or things) drains me? 

·       When I’m at my best, what role do I play? 

·       What is my superpower?


“What would happen if, instead of asking these people who you should be or what you should do, you asked them about what they see and experience in you?"


Back to my metaphor, over the years that I played in the NHL I developed Fans who appreciated what I brought to the game and fans who were highly critical of my performance. I learned to handle both perspectives. But, let’s not forget what we are trying to focus on - the Fan concept. It can become a brilliant way to intentionally influence the Past and Future-Positive mindsets that we desire to increase. The world already triggers our Past and Future Negative focus. Your new Fan process balances this negativity with an intentionally positive emotional connection.







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